Long time no see fellow Champions! I would like to share with you guys some data, I would also like to thank following people who helped me with gathering replays to this metagame statistics project : enlite, zontik7, jkkk89, LQDBrunt. Based on those 2757 replays we can take a closer look at metagame.
Metagame divided by Factions
As we can see on 1st graph Inferno is the biggest participant in our metagame (34%), but don't get fooled there - it's not focussed on one subject and Inferno constructions represent multiple strategies (rushes, midranges, controls, stalls). The next played faction is Necropolis (20%), which got dominated pretty much by Mother Namtaru, looks like the best way to play this faction at this moment is rushing enemy as fast as possible. Stronghold is 3rd (16%) and looks like it will be less dominant than in previous meta, followed by Academy (13%), Sanctuary (9%). Haven is the least played, which probably doesn't surprise anyone (8%).
Metagame divided by Heroes
Since there are 40 played heroes in Standard we will look only at top10
most played. However, if you're curious about the rest of them, you can
check previously posted data.
Mother Namtaru (11,31%) was the most played hero last month and I guess that everyone noticed her around.
I've to say that Deleb at 2nd place (10,37%) was a surprise for me, since Princess doesn't do anything better than Kiril, but I guess some people are still missing Kiril.
Kiril (7,72%) decks offer us two playstyles: rush and midrange. As rush it's imho much better than Deleb, and as midrange it's working like old Adar, nothing amazing but good for creature decks spanking.
Kal (6,05%) is more controlish Kiril with access to Prime, but imho less viable in rushy meta and much better in more control/stall meta.
Dhamiria (4,35%) is typical controlish hero offering us two paths: one full of creatures and other full of madness and rage.
Asalah (4,02%) is mostly played as Mass Rage stall. Imho inferior compared to Dhamiria Mass Rage, because Asalah can't strip counters and doesn't have proper stall tools like Stone Shield.
It seems to me that Kat (3,77%) is relict of old meta and some people used just to play her, so they play her. However she always has potential due to her starting two Destiny and Earth.
Yukiko (3,30%) - doesn't offer anything special, she is pretty inferior compared to Irina, since we will go 5 magic for Icy Meteor anyway. Clearly relic of old meta.
There is really no single reason to play Toghrul (3,28%) now when we have Sandor after SoB since Toggy ability isn't that great and Dark can be always useful since we play with magic anyway.... I guess people haven't realized that yet.
After Dragon Coin's introduction Garant (3,28%) is much worse than it was before and he seems to be inferior to other Inferno heroes in Standard, so really - I can't understand such popularity.