Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Quick Tournament - Saturday (29.11.2014)

I would like to invite all of you to take part in Saturday Standard Tournament, which will start at 3:00 p.m (CET).



Registration will start hour before tournament (2:00 p.m. CET), on my twitch channel - all you've to do is show up there and tell you want to join tournament.


- Single elimnation.
- Best of 3 (bo3).
- Hero lock. You can't change your hero during tournament. However you can change up to 10 cards between games against your opponent to make games more interesting and fair (to avoid hard counters). Sideboard pool is unlimited, only limited is number of cards you can change per match.
- Top 5 of the most popular champions (based on last meta overview) is banned: Kal-Azar, Kiril, Nahla, Deleb, Sandor.



If we get minimum 16 participants, Kimmundi offered us such amazing rewards:

1st : 400 seals + 2 SoB SP + week of mercs alt + banner
2nd: 200 seals + 1 SoB SP
3rd : 100 seals

Monday, 24 November 2014

Deck Tech with hectoring - Kal-Azar

If you liked previous Deck Tech with hectoring, then I encourage you to take a look at new one too.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Do you even Belias bro?

This time I would like to share with you guys my 39 card Belias. I think it's the most consistent and powerful deck in weekly format. Due to small deck size, you nearly always can get perfect hand and once you get Thrall of Hatred on board your free Altar of Destruction engine is ready to blast off. If you're curious how was it working, you can take a look at my last Belias Stream.

4 Mana Storm / Week of Austerity
4 The Great Hunt

4 Maniac
4 Succubus
4 Hatching Breeder
4 Lurker in the Dark
4 Thrall of Hatred
2 Caller of the Void
3 Bound Succubus

4 Altar of Destruction
1 Delve into Madness

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Deck Tech with hectoring - Mother Namtaru

Hello fellow champions! I've great news for all of you! Hectoring made another Deck Tech, this time about Mother Namtaru Asha's Nightmare, I encourage you to check it out and subscribe to his channel if you like such content!

Monday, 17 November 2014

Modifying Gamedata

I've been modifying my Gamedata with Zenity's Modding Tool, if anyone of you is interested in my Gamedata with all changes I've made to it, you can download it here. Bellow you can take a look at those cards with changed arts.
All you've to do is replace your gamedata with new one, however don't forget to make backup.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Post Patch Metagame Overview


Like previously I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this overview - thanks guys, it would be impossible to do without your help! You can look at gathered data here. In this post we will try to compare pre patch and post patch metagame. However this time I've divided it into two MMR ranges: 1000-1800 and 1800+.


The most played faction after patch is still Inferno (37% up from 34%), which means that even after tweaks to Spell Stealer Heretic and Lava Spawn, Inferno is more popular than before. Necropolis (13% down from 20%) is on 4th position (previously was 2nd), overtaken by both Stronghold (19%, previously 16%) and Academy (13% same as before, but still slightly ahead of Necropolis), followed by Haven (12%, previously 9%) and Sanctuary is far behind everything (6%, previously 9%).

Kal-Azar (11,43%) was the most played champion last week and replaced overnerfed Namtaru as Prime aggro-control hero.
  • Can't play fast Lava Spawn or Lurker, which is minus when we compare him to Kiril.
  •  Good starting stats allowing easy balancing between Might and Magic, so Kal can have access to early removal without sacirificng tempo.
  • Ability isn't amazing, but may be useful, especially in getting board control early.
  • Has Prime.

Kiril (7,17%) overtook Deleb as rush representant, since he can use Lava Spawns more effectively after nerf than our dear Princess of Pain. 
  • Good starting stats for creature based decks: can play Lava Spawn on 1st turn or turbo Lurker in the Dark.
  • Better stats than Deleb, because Magic is more vaulable than Destiny.
  • Good spell schools for pushing damage and controling board if we decide to go midrange route.
  • Amazing ability for swarming board

Nahla (6,81%) is old-new top deck. Was known before patch, but since meta slowed, she is much more viable.

  • Has access both to Fire and Prime. First allow her to control the board with Arkath's Wrath and the second is enabling Time Jump lock together with Time-Bender Djins.

Deleb (6,61%) was previously second the most popular champion, however due to Lava Spawn changes is much less viable as rush with explosive openings.
  • Good starting stats for creature based decks: can play Lava Spawn (well you still can do so, but it's not that good play anymore) on 1st turn or turbo Lurker in the Dark.
  • Ability can give us some tempo, e.g. we can replace Lacerator with Hellfire Maniac/Bound Succubus for only 2 resources.

People understood that Sandor (4,70%) is better than Toghrul, because Toggy ability was barely useful and it's always nice to have Dark.

  • Has very good combo of magic schools, but thats all.

Kat (4,70%), tied together with Sandor. She can offer a bit more diverse build, however Im not really conviced that in slower meta we really need those fortunes more than Dark.
  • Two starting Destiny, which allow surprise enemy with Broken Bridge and/or Campfire tempo gain.
  • Earth, which gives access to Insect Swarm.


Ignatius (4,48%) is kinda new guy around. Pretty good at disturbing and poking slower magic based constructions with his ability.

  • Ability which can give us loads of free damage in longer matches.

The most agressive among Stronghold champions Acamas (4,14%) is still around looking for fresh blood, ROAR!

  • Two starting Might plays well with Stormrage Hunters, also only Acamas can use Goblin Mentors as 2nd turn drops.
  • As fortune based hero can be really wild due to Might of the Tribes.

Dhamiria (3,02%) is losing her popularity, it's weird because she prefers slower meta than fast ones, maybe too many Time Jumps?

  • Access to Earth and Fire, which is the best combo for board clearing.
  • Ability which can ruin any control/stall.

Let me repeat - After Dragon Coin's introduction Garant (2,91%) is much worse than it was before and he seems to be inferior to other Inferno heroes in Standard, so really - I can't understand such popularity.


What we can notice here compared to <1800 is even higher Inferno (Kal-Azar) dominance, however top10 of the most played heroes ismuch more diverse than on lower MMR.

Kal-Azar (24,19%)  is the most popular and also twice as popular as on lower MMR, however I believe he's overrated and has many weaknesses we could observe during Road to Paris finals not so long ago.

Nahla (9,32%) is a bit more popular than on lower MMR, mostly because she performs very well against controls and midranges, however she isn't good against rushes or Stronghold.

Kat (6,41%) seems to be still one of those decks top players like to pick, however as pointed previously I don't see any reason to play her currently. I would pick between Acamas, Shaar or Sandor if I would have to play Stronghold.

Ignatius (4,95%) seems to be right guy in right place, much better in dealing with decks built around magic than Kiril or Deleb. However since he's much slower, he's not so good against rushes... but isn't 'this' meta full of Kal and Nahla? ;)

Kiril (also 4,95%) as rush not good enough to butcher thru multiple Arkath's Wraths and as midrange not good enough to fight with Magic Steals and/or Time Jumps.

 Shaar (4,08%) is indeed very interesting choice...

  • Due to 'bad' starting stats can't use Stormrage Hunter.
  • Has very good spell schools in terms of board control.
  • Ability can make games end pretty fast, it's like free Might of the Tribe everytime you need it.

Myranda (3,49%) is played like suicide deck (using MtG terminology), good creatures with drawbacks supported with spells seeking fast finish with Time Jump.

  • Good starting stats for agressive Academy hero.
  • Prime which is equal to Town Portal, Magic Steal and Time Jump.
  • The most amazing artwork in game?

Deleb (3,20%) clearly not good enough anymore to shine as super fast rush.

Ariana (3,20%) may be as good choice as new Namtaru which MnM_vs_Smarties picked during R2P Finals.

  • Good point removal due to Dark.
  • Ability to clear board due to Earth (Insect Swarm).
  • Magic Steal and Time Jumps to deal with controls.
  • Ability which can punish Stronghold a bit.

Acamas (2,91%) is good in dealing with Kal or Nahla, so can be good pick if those two are dominant, and they are quite dominant.